Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why are You Here? And I Don't Mean That Philosophically....

I really would like to know WHY you visited this website. Please leave a comment below and tell me what prompted you to view a site called "Discover Your Destiny".

-Looking for some specific guidance about a major life decision?
-Looking for a discussion of philosophy?
-Looking for a way of predicting the future?
-Looking for something fun to do?

Since I started the blog, more than 7,500 readers have visited the site. That's not a lot in terms of popular sites. Still, the number of people stopping by makes me curious.

Of course, you are the only one who can satisfy my curiousity. So, please, leave a comment and explain what you were hoping to find on this blog.

I will use the feedback to make a decision about the kind of content to include in the future.



Anonymous said...

Hi!its not easy to explain in a few words why i have visited this site but i will try my best to do the past two years i have became interested in a spiritual way of life.mean reasons being my partner became ill,i lost my job and i started to realize i wasted my life trying to have more and more materials which are ultemetly useless, just extra lagguage when im moving house .so i made changes, i have changed,but im still not happy as i feel my life has no meaning can't find my destiny ... Im still sure we have been born to this place for a reason and i hope we will find that reason . i would like to ask you why you decided to create this site and is it anything like you have immagined it ?

Author said...


I have learned some things from my work on this website. There are a lot of people who feel like you do - unsure of the meaning or purpose of their lives.

Also, something I did not expect - there are a group of people who view themselves as athiests. They love to mock and ridicule anyone who professes to believe in God.

That's ok - it has made for some interesting discussions - but previously I wasn't aware of the growing trend.

Sounds like you have been through a series of difficult situations - ill partner, lost job. No you are struggling to figure out what it all means.

For me, the starting place is to realize that our struggle for meaning is spiritual and that we are created for a purpose.

However, how can we discover that purpose unless God reveals it to us.

I believe He does exist and reveals his purpose to us through the Bible.

So that is the starting place.

Your thoughts?