Wednesday, September 29, 2004

In the Beginning, Reprise

In the beginning, God intended for you to pursue passionately His divinely ordained purpose for your existance. He designed that purpose for you and you for that purpose.

Your talents and fundamental characteristics, when fully developed and applied correctly, are the perfect tools for your specific assignment. You experience a richness and fulness of life that cannot be improved on when you are pursuing this destiny, regardless of obstacles, pain or opposition.

People find themselves attracted to you because you radiate peace and contentment. You have meaningful relationships that are deep and strong. You accept the failings of others because you are happy with yourself, including your own weaknesses and shortcomings. You have been forgiven, you embrace your own forgiveness, and you forgive others.

In the beginning, God created you for a fulfilling destiny. Are you moving toward it?

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Interested in a personality assessment? It's free - no tricks or mumbo-jumbo. Just click on the banner ad above or on the title of this post, Mindframes.

You can take the assessment and get a report on-line at absolutely no cost. If you do want more than the basic report, there is a small charge but for readers of this blog there is a 10% discount on any of the other specialty reports simply by entering this special code when prompted:

There's a lot of fun stuff you can do with these free assessments. They have a weight-loss 'thin from with-in" report and a couple compatibility report. And remember - you and any of your friends can get additional add-on reports just by entering the codeword:

Self-awareness is one aspect of discovering your destiny but there are others. Peruse the blog for more perspectives. Thanks for stopping in for a read!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

How Did You Overcome Your Greatest Fear?

Personally, sky-diving helped me confront a fear of heights. In fact, I believe it liberated me in many ways, even though I still do not relish standing on top of a building.

I believe there are at least 7 keys to reaching your God-given destiny. The first is to overcome your fears.

What is the biggest fear you have overcome? How did you do it?

I am interested, so if you like, use the comment link below and tell your story.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Discover Your True Calling

Po Bronson is the author of The New York Times Bestseller "What Should I Do with My Life?" -- a book that chronicles inspirational true stories of people who have found the most meaningful answers to that great question. He is the author of two other books and has written articles for The New York Times Magazine and The Wall Street Journal.

Check out a CNN article on his book here or by clicking on the title of this post.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Dream the Impossible Dream

Deep inside, most people know they were created for more than the mundane, monotonous, "everydayness" of life. We long to be heroic, exceptional, and fulfilled, but instead we find ourselves frustrated and far from reaching our potential. We fear that our dreams and God's will are at odds and that God's will might make us unhappy or be unattainable.

But our personal dreams are often dreams that God has given us to pursue. In Discover Your Destiny, Bill and Kathy Peel look at the hopes and desires that shape our lives, giving readers the inspiration and courage to make those dreams come true. By evaluating our dreams in the light of Scripture, we can discern if a dream is part of God's will and our destiny.

To purchase the book, click on the title of this post, Dream the Impossible Dream.

Friday, September 03, 2004

How Thoughts Become Destiny

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." - Frank Outlaw