Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Anxieties, Phobias and Fears

According to the website

· Anxiety is the 5th most common complaint to MD’s.
· It is the most common complaint to psychotherapists.
· 7% of the population experience serious anxiety during a
typical month (and the recent terrorism has certainly
increased this by some percentage)
· 30 million new prescriptions for tranquilizers are
prescribed annually in the United States
· Annual tranquilizer consumption in the US measures in the

When an unreasonable fear escalates to the point that it interferes with one’s social or work life, it is called a phobia. Here are some facts about phobias:

· About 13% of the population has a phobia
· There are 3 types of phobias:
- Simple phobias, such as fear of death, cancer, insanity, the
devil, the dark
- Social phobias, such as fear of public speaking,
embarrassment, of meeting people
- Panic disorders, such as unpredictable attacks of terror,
sweating or dizziness

Panic attacks are believed to be physiologically and chemically different from simple fears and phobias. The most typical treatment of fears and anxieties are relaxation techniques and “exposure”, which means confronting and encountering the thing one fears

To some extent, the way to conquer your fear is to face it.

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